Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Surviving election season

It was in the most recent Presidential election that I fully realized there were about as many idiots in the Democratic party, which up to that point I was a follower of, as there were in the Republican. Even though Democrats generally stand up for the underpriveleged (not to mention the lazy, the self-righteous, and the corrupt) and Republicans defend our right to be wealthy, selfish SOB's (isn't that what Jesus would have done?), the two parties do have one thing in common...they are both run by politicians. Politicians are interested in getting into office and staying there and are willing to say and do whatever it takes to accomplish that. Remember Jim Gilmore and the car-tax carrot? Keep this in mind as the political rhetoric ramps into overdrive. If you can judge a candidate on anything, make it their actions, not what they promise they will do for you once they get into office. "Read my lips, no new taxes!" Oops, I bet Sr. is still regretting that one.

And while we're at it lets just liquidate the entire two party system. Life is too short to get tied up in the viscious left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative, Republican vs. Democrat bullshit. Anyone with a rational mind knows that the truth lies somewhere in between. I for one will never be convinced that one party got together and somehow came up with all the answers for running our government. If anyone did that it was our founding fathers, whose ingenious system, despite the best efforts of Democrats and Republicans to wreck it, has kept the ball rolling for well over two centuries.


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