Thursday, October 06, 2005

A sad ending to the Taylor Behl case.

Authorities just announced that the body found in Mathews County, VA yesterday was that of Taylor Behl, the 17 year old missing VCU student. I'm pretty surprised at how hard this has hit me. The case has gone on for a little over a month, with almost every day bringing a news story about the case, Taylor's life, her friends and family... and thanks to the "wonders" of the internet, the public has even been able to peer inside of her personal life and into that of the suspected murderer Ben Fawley. In her LiveJournal, you get a sense of who Taylor was... insecure, flirtatious, wondering who she was, and who her true friends were... Pretty much everything you would expect from a teenage girl on the verge of adulthood. I suppose this combination of seeing her picture on the news every day and being able to read about her thoughts that changed this perfect stranger into someone you knew. Taylor wasn't just a headline story, she was a living, breathing 17 year old girl who because of someone's selfishness, will never ride her skateboard again and will never get to grow up.

Perhaps the internet isn't all that bad if it can change what normally would have been a statistic into the person that Taylor Behl's family and friends knew. Since her disappearance, many well-wishers have left comments on her LiveJournal and I will end my entry with one posted there yesterday...

"I am writing today as a complete outsider. I had no knowledge that Taylor Behl even existed prior to her going missing about one month ago.

I, like many others began following this case out of pure curiosity and empathy for another human being.

After reading almost every news article and watching every interview pertaining to this case, I have felt somewhat drawn to this young lady.

If indeed the remains that were discovered last night are in fact Taylor Behl's, which I hope with all my strength that they are not, then I have this to say to the parties involved:

1. To Taylor's parents, and loved ones.

I cannot begin to imagine the pain and suffering that you have all
endured throughout this process. The unwavering strength that
all of you showed in the media is more than admirable. I hope with
every fiber of my being that someday you will begin to feel comfort
and peace with this situation.

2. To all of the law enforcement professionals who work on this case.

There have been numerous recent cases similar to this one which
have been botched terribly and have gone unsolved for a very long
time. I commend you on your superior work and thank you for your

3. To whomever was the cause for this horrendous crime.

Up until now, I actually wanted to believe that maybe this was not
a crime. I wanted to believe that no one could be that sick and
disturbed to commit such a senseless act against another human.
Now, it looks more and more like someone did indeed take the life
of this precious young lady. To that, for lack of better terms
I say, "You disgust me". I hope you pay dearly.

4. To Taylor Behl herself.

It looks like everyone feels fairly certain that you actually have
been taken from this world. If this is indeed true, it is so
senseless and unfair. You were robbed of your opportunity to do
great things. Seventeen years on this earth is not nearly long
enough. Your life was just beginning and now someone has taken
that from you. I am so sorry. It was your right to be a child, and
to develop into who you would become and be happy.

I want you to know, that you will not be just another statistic.
You will live on in the memory of all your loved ones. You will
always be thought of as someone who touched many people in her
life, and someone who could have contributed positively to so
many other things if it would have been allowed.

I know that your impact will never be forgotten."

Rest In Peace


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