Reflections on Fall
Apologies for the months long case of writers block. I intended to write this a good while back, when the first signs of Fall appeared. I always enjoy that time of year. It only takes me one day of true summer weather to tire of it. Sure I love being able to go to the beach, ride waves, watch the women in bikinis... but if it weren't for that the Summer would be completely intolerable. Instead of doing laundry a reasonable once every week or two it turns into at least twice every week. If you wore any article of clothing outdoors you can be pretty certain it's sweat-soaked and ready for the washing machine. The humidity hangs on you like a coat of lead. For me at least, there's this overbearing sense of captivity. So it is with open arms that I welcome the first signs of Fall, when the muggy 90's are replaced by dry 60's, the hazy, moisture laden sky is replaced by a clear, azure blue one, and the first leaves begin their lazy descent to the ground. Fall competes very closely with Spring as far as being a season for the senses. There's nothing quite like the feel of a cool Fall breeze caressing your face, ruffling you hair, carrying the spicy scent of decaying leaves and the last of the years flowers. And let us not forget the sounds of Fall... dry leaves blowing across the ground like Nature's wind-chimes, hiking through the woods, each footstep bringing a loud but somehow satisfying crunch, or the sound of that first soft Fall rain.
The first real cold spell brings about a whole spectrum of indoor pleasures as well. It's the time of year when you trully appreciate the warm comfort of being inside, the smell of that first pot of soup or stew cooking on the stove, or wrapping your hands around a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Lying under a heavy blanket on the couch, watching a football or basketball game. The anticipation of having that giant, homecooked meal on Thanksgiving Day with family. Fall is quite a special season indeed and I've just brushed the surface of its pleasures. If only I could find as many nice things to say about Summer and Winter but I suppose without those the Spring and Fall wouldn't be quite as wonderful.
amen. Fall rocks. Even if all the time here in sunny CA is "fall like" and no humidity...we also have women in swimsuits and huge waves to boot!
I love this piece of writing. Very poetic description of what fall means for you. I must say that just for the three minutes I spent reading your blog, I was captured and transported back to mid October and November and that I could see and hear all you describe here.
Have you seriously thought about writing? I think you have the talent right before your eyes and fingertips.
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